Willkommen zu einer Reise der artenübergreifenden Kommunikation, die uns ermöglicht eine tiefe Beziehung zu allem Leben um uns wiederherzustellen.
"Pūmanawa" bedeutet in der Sprache der Maori natürliches Talent, Intuition, intuitive Klugheit, Potenzial, Fähigkeit, Begabung.
Ich bin da. Ich höre dir zu. Ich sehe dich.
Wer etwas vom Anderen wissen will, gibt ihm die Chance sich selbst zu begegnen und diese Wahrheit von sich selbst in die Welt zu bringen.
Ehrfurcht und Respekt für alles was ist schafft Raum, in allem Schönheit zu erkennen und es schützen zu wollen.
Alles ist miteinander verbunden. Alles, was wir anderen antun, tun wir uns selbst an. Alles, was wir in uns selbst heilen, heilt auch andere.
„Alle Tiere haben Mächte in sich, denn der große Geist wohnt in allen, auch in der kleinen Ameise, in einem Schmetterling, Auch in einem Baum, in einer Blume und in einem Felsen.“
Petaga Yuha Mani, Sioux-Indianer
Not only in the case of art-typical behavior, health problems, problems in the human-animal relationship or problems among animals, but also to the deepening of the human-animal relationship.
The energy fields and centers are telepathically scanned. Physical symptoms and pain can be localized and examined for their causes. A reading is not an energy treatment, but limited to causal research and intuitive search for solutions.
Through animal communication, I support you in the search for missing animals. Often one obtains information about the whereabouts and / or physical condition of the animal.
At the end of the life many questions often arise about the right action in the sense of the animal. By means of animal communication one can directly experience which measures the animal desires and how one can support it, to pave the way to the hereafter peacefully and painlessly.
When a beloved animal dies, it is associated with grief and pain. Since even an animal soul does not die, it is possible to communicate with it and to get answers to many questions that will often keep the bereaved for years to come.
It is a non-contact energetic treatment by cleaning and energizing the energy centers and energy bodies. As a result, health can be stabilized in many cases. It can also be used in terminal care.